№ ❶ ►By setting up a website or blog:- 

This undoubtedly the best way to make money online. You can start a traditional website where you provide content to the reader or visitors and use many types of advertising opportunities in your site. OR you can go for a web blog. For web blog you’ll have to work bit more hard in terms of regularly updating your blog. In case of website you can create your website and pretty much set and forget case with occasional updates to keep your information up to date.

You have many monetization options available before you. You can use Google AdSense or other AdSense alternatives or you can promote affiliate products using your site and make commissions whenever you make a sell. Another way of monetization is to sell advertising space to the individual buyers. But, for a new site you won’t get any ad space buyer. You site need to have certain level of traffic flow to attract individual advertisers.

To start with you need to have a domain name. You buy one from Godaddy for less than ten bucks a year. Then you need to find a host for your website. Many of the internet marketers use Hostgator. They are cheap and have different plans to offer for different customers.

If you are planning to start without any investment then go for a free blogger blog.

Following are top 3 blog hosting sites.
  1. Blogger
  2. Blog
  3. Wordpress

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Ways to earn Online!

        There are many different ways to make money from home. Some are legal and some are just straight up scams. If you are searching for legal ways to make some income online, then rest assured that you have come to the right place. 

To be able to make money online sitting in the comfort of your home is very exciting idea.It’s not very good job to do though.There are mainly five ways to make online :-

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